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Our Services

Our Commitment

To create a time for family's to read together. Reading together helps children learn new words and develop a love for reading. It also gives parents, caregivers and most importantly grandparents an opportunity to spend time with their grandchildren and get to know them better.

Our Promise

To read books from diverse children authors. Children's book authors have a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to writing and publishing children's books. Authors can offer advice, guidance & motivation to help children read and write more often & improve their skills.

Our Purpose

To improve reading & writing skills of children K-6. They have the ability to express themselves more clearly. This can help them communicate with others more effectively both in school and in life. Not to mention, they'll have lots of fun learning about new things and meeting new people.

About Stosh, Inc.

Stosh, Inc and non-profit organization focused on educational advocacy is proud to host the Write 2 Read- From A to Z program! This literacy program is designed to improve the reading and writing skills of school aged children. Each child learns at their own pace, and with different cues and tools.

Stosh takes the time to identify these traits and strengths in children using a progressive style of learning and build upon them. By using books from diverse children authors, families are able to come together and read. We hope that this program will help your child improve their literacy skills!

About Us

STOSH, Inc creates entertaining learning experiences through socialization and stimulation of the mind, that builds confidence and self-reliance. Focusing on edutaining programs, we connect individuals within their intergenerational communities.